I thought about starting my post with my own experiences with children, grand children and my great grandchild. But I kept coming back to a person who was such an inspiration to me. A man who was loved by everyone he met, with few exceptions. And those must have deserved his attitude toward them. I know what you are thinking - isn't this a remark that is commonly made about those who have past?
I bet that once a few post start appearing here by others besides my place, my point will be strongly made.
My beginning will be in the middle - I will start with Ralph Burton Finchum. Better know to most as Papa Ralph.
Tho I could write for hours on end about this man I am only going to mention a few of the most important, in my mind, about him. For now anyway.
When I first met him I was surprised at his 'popularity'. I was in high school and what I considered 'social' was based on a teenager's view. Well this man was more 'social' than any friend I had. Ralph has friends that were younger than his own children and old enough to be his father, and they all invited him to dinner, dancing, parties, camping, travel and the list goes on. This man had few evenings or days off busy with friends and adventures.
Now about the name Papa Ralph - that came along with his first grand child, my daughter Marti (Martha) Frances. He was very proud grand father and told all that he met, at work or in his personal life " Just call me Papa Ralph". He worked at Sears, for many years, and to his many regular customers, he became Papa Ralph. To most any new customer who came in with a child, he was drawn to this child and told them to call his the same.

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