Thursday, May 31, 2012

My Beginning in the Finchum Family

 Prior to my life with Bruce Finchum  - a few pics of his early years.

     So here it is.  This is my beginning with the Finchum Family.  

     As I said before, I married into the Finchum family so the only thing I can really do is share a brief story about the beginning for me.  And I guess I should include a little of what I know of Bruce, officially Ralph Bruce Finchum, whom I married in 1971.

    We met in 1969,my senior year in high school, just after he got out of the U.S. Navy.  Bruce was working at Iceland, in Tucson, Arizona,  which was a combination bowling alley and ice rink.  My younger brother played hockey so I spent a lot of time there.  


                              We married in 1971   

     On May 6, 1972 we had Marti.  Her full name is actually Martha Frances Finchum.  She is named after Bruce’s mother who is the only grandparent that wasn’t living at the time of her birth.  Marti was born a couple of weeks early – that may not seem important but you will see why it is worth mentioning by the end of the post.

     On May 3, 1974, Sarah Dawn was born.  I had babysat a little girl named Sarah when I was in junior high and high school and was pretty excited that I had the chance to have my very own Sarah.  By the way – Sarah was born 3 weeks and 3 days late.  Back then they didn’t induce labor as soon as they do now. 

     On May 3, 1976, Ryan Bruce was born.  Don’t think that was a typo.  He has the same birthday as his big sister.  That was never really a problem – the sharing birthday thing.  Now as adults – I think they like to harass each other a little bit about it.  I was asked how we planned it so close and the reality is that none of my kids came when they were due.  Ryan was born over 3 weeks early, thanks to a bad case of the flu.

     10 years and three kids later, Bruce and I went our separate ways.  And life goes on.  Just maybe, someday, I can get him to write a little something about what he has done with himself since those days. 

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